
Promoting EU DCFTA Standards within Georgian Agriculture


CNFA Europe, with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Georgia is working with Elva, a local development organisation, in order to promote EU DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area) standards within the Georgian agriculture sector. Given CNFA Europe’s long history in supporting agribusiness SME development in Georgia, it is fielding technical specialist to support the development of training materials, co-lead the training of trainers for Georgian public extension agents, and implement DCFTA workshops for commercially oriented farmers. Specifically, CNFA Europe is:

  • Designing and delivering group awareness trainings to more than 100 extension agents of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Information Consultation Centres (ICCs) on DCFTA standards;
  • Designing and delivering direct group awareness trainings to more than 100 commercial farmers on DCFTA requirements and standards;
  • Providing remote consultancies to Georgian farmers on DCFTA standards, which can be duplicated and disseminated via digital media.

Expected Impacts


Extension agents of the Ministry of Agriculture's Information Consultation Centres trained on DCFTA standards


Commercial farmers trained on DCFTA requirements and standards